Evaluator-Optimizer Agent
To use this agent, add the Maven dependency to your project, replacing ${agentic-patterns-version}
with the latest version.
Latest version:
To create a Evaluator-Optimizer agent, you can create a subclass of EvaluatorOptimizerAgent
. When constructing a EvaluatorOptimizerAgent
, parameters in the table below can be provided.
You can use the same
for generation and evaluation.
Parameter | Required? | Type | Description |
generationChatClient | yes | ChatClient | Spring AI ChatClient for generating results |
evaluationChatClient | yes | ChatClient | Spring AI ChatClient for evaluating results |
responseType | no | Type | Type of response, only required when auto-detection fails |
observationRegistry | no | ObservationRegistry | Micrometer ObservationRegistry for tracing |
uses three other TaskExecutionAgent
s for execute a task. These agents must be created by subclasses.
Agent | Request | Response | Method | Description |
initialResultAgent | Request | Response | buildInitialResultAgent | Agent to generate the initial result |
evaluationAgent | Request | Evaluation | buildEvaluationAgent | Agent to evaluate a result |
optimizationAgent | OptimizationInput<Response> | Response | buildOptimizationAgent | Agent to optimize a result based on feedback |
The subclass can override getMaxIterations
method to update the maximum number of evaluation iterations. The default value is 3
Most of agents used by an EvaluatorOptimizerAgent
use an LLM to generate results. In this case, you can extend from PromptBasedEvaluatorOptimizerAgent
instead. When extending from PromptBasedEvaluatorOptimizerAgent
, you only need to provide prompt templates and the logic to prepare values for template variables.
Method | Description |
getInitialResultPromptTemplate | Prompt template for the agent to generate initial result |
buildInitialResultPromptContext | Prepare for the values of variables in the prompt template to generate initial result |
getEvaluationPromptTemplate | Prompt template for the agent to evaluate a result |
buildEvaluationPromptContext | Prepare for the values of variables in the prompt template to evaluate a result |
getOptimizationPromptTemplate | Prompt template for the agent to optimize a result |
buildOptimizationPromptContext | Prepare for the values of variables in the prompt template to optimize a result |
The example is an agent to generate code with evaluation feedbacks.
In the implementation of CodeGenerationAgent
, we only need to implement methods to get the prompt templates and prepare the context for templates.
package com.javaaidev.agenticpatterns.examples.evaluatoroptimizer;
import com.javaaidev.agenticpatterns.core.AgentUtils;
import com.javaaidev.agenticpatterns.evaluatoroptimizer.PromptBasedEvaluatorOptimizerAgent;
import com.javaaidev.agenticpatterns.examples.evaluatoroptimizer.CodeGenerationAgent.CodeGenerationRequest;
import com.javaaidev.agenticpatterns.examples.evaluatoroptimizer.CodeGenerationAgent.CodeGenerationResponse;
import io.micrometer.observation.ObservationRegistry;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.springframework.ai.chat.client.ChatClient;
* An agent to generate code with evaluation feedbacks
public class CodeGenerationAgent extends
PromptBasedEvaluatorOptimizerAgent<CodeGenerationRequest, CodeGenerationResponse> {
public CodeGenerationAgent(ChatClient chatClient,
@Nullable ObservationRegistry observationRegistry) {
super(chatClient, chatClient, CodeGenerationResponse.class, observationRegistry);
protected String getInitialResultPromptTemplate() {
return AgentUtils.loadPromptTemplateFromClasspath(
protected @Nullable Map<String, Object> buildInitialResultPromptContext(
@Nullable CodeGenerationRequest request) {
return AgentUtils.objectToMap(request);
protected String getEvaluationPromptTemplate() {
return AgentUtils.loadPromptTemplateFromClasspath(
protected @Nullable Map<String, Object> buildEvaluationPromptContext(
@Nullable CodeGenerationResponse codeGenerationResponse) {
return AgentUtils.objectToMap(codeGenerationResponse);
protected String getOptimizationPromptTemplate() {
return AgentUtils.loadPromptTemplateFromClasspath(
protected @Nullable Map<String, Object> buildOptimizationPromptContext(
@Nullable OptimizationInput<CodeGenerationResponse> optimizationInput) {
var optionalInput = Optional.ofNullable(optimizationInput);
return Map.of(
"code", optionalInput.map(input -> input.response().code()),
"feedback", optionalInput.map(input -> input.evaluation().feedback())
public record CodeGenerationRequest(String input) {
public record CodeGenerationResponse(String code) {
We can also use a REST API to access the agent.
package com.javaaidev.agenticpatterns.examples.evaluatoroptimizer;
import com.javaaidev.agenticpatterns.examples.evaluatoroptimizer.CodeGenerationAgent.CodeGenerationRequest;
import com.javaaidev.agenticpatterns.examples.evaluatoroptimizer.CodeGenerationAgent.CodeGenerationResponse;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class CodeGenerationController {
private final CodeGenerationAgent codeGenerationAgent;
public CodeGenerationController(CodeGenerationAgent codeGenerationAgent) {
this.codeGenerationAgent = codeGenerationAgent;
public CodeGenerationResponse generateCode(@RequestBody CodeGenerationRequest request) {
return codeGenerationAgent.call(request);